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Rule-based modeling approach and its extension to Synthetic Biology

中国科学技术大学 Chen Liao

时间:5月27日 周五 下午2.00      地点:科技创新大楼 1512报告厅

组织单位: 中美(南京)合成生物学研究所,全讯600cc大白菜,600cc全讯白菜自助注册

Mr. Liao is a PHD student at University of Science and Technology of China. He was the team leader of USTC_Software iGEM 2010 team and won the Best Software Tool prize for their automatic modeling tool for synthetic biology. His research interests are widely spread in the fields of modeling technique development, stochastic genetic expression as well as the dynamic properties of cellular signal-transduction systems.

Rational design and engineering of biological systems in the future needs the improvement of modeling techniques to predict and understand their behaviors before they are actually fabricated in the lab. Combinatorial complexity has issued a serious problem for modeling signal-transduction pathways due to exponentially increasing number of all possible protein complexes and combinations of protein modifications with the system size. We applied formalized rules to synthetic biological systems whose building blocks are standard DNA sequences encoding defined structure and functions. The basic theory and methods will be mainly discussed.


应用合成生物学方法构建系统突变库解析啤酒酵母细胞组蛋白(Cell Featured Cover

清华大学 戴俊标 副教授

时间:5月30日 周一 下午2.00      地点:科技创新大楼 506报告厅

组织单位: 中美(南京)合成生物学研究所,全讯600cc大白菜,600cc全讯白菜自助注册

Dr. Junbiao Dai, associate professor of School of Life Sciences, Tshinghua University, is an expert in Synthetic Biology, particularly in the field of Yeast genome synthesis. His work on A Highly Versatile Library of Synthetic Histone H3 and H4 Mutants was published on Cell as featured cover story. Dr. Dai received his Doctor’s degree in Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology at Iowa State University Graduate School and worked as post-doctoral fellow at Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins University from 2006 to 2010.

Probing Nucleosome Function: A Systematic Mutagenesis Study of Synthetic Histones in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The nucleosome is the basic building block of eukaryotic genome, which consists of 146 base pairs of double strand DNA around a histone octomer including two copies of four core histones. The structural integrity of the nucleosome is central to regulation of DNA metabolism and transcription. Histones and their post-translational modifications have been implicated to greatly influence the nuclesome function. To further probe the contribution of each residue in histones to nucleosome function, we systematically generated a library of histone substitution and deletion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using synthetic biology approach. Using this library as a tool kit, we probed fitness contributions of each residue to chemical perturbagens of chromosome integrity and transcription, mapping global patterns of chemical sensitivities and requirements for three forms of transcriptional silencing onto the nucleosome surface. In addition, each histone mutant was tagged with unique molecular barcodes, facilitating identification of histone mutant pools through barcode amplification, labeling, and TAG microarray hybridization. We utilized this technology to score complex phenotypes including competitive fitness in a chemostat, DNA repair proficiency, and synthetic genetic interactions, revealing new functions for distinct histone residues and new interdependencies among components of nucleosomes and their modifiers.


合成生物学前沿: 世界首个酵母细胞基因组的人工设计与合成

most recent Technology Features in Science

美国约翰.霍普金斯大学 蔡毅之 研究员

中美(南京)合成生物学研究所 美方所长

时间:5月31日 周二 上午9.00      地点:科技创新大楼 506报告厅

组织单位: 中美(南京)合成生物学研究所

Synthetic Biology: towards the first synthetic eukaryotic genome

Patrick Yizhi Cai received a bachelor degree in Computer Science in China, a master degree in Bioinformatics from University of Edinburgh in the UK, and a PhD in Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from Virginia Tech in the USA. Dr. Cai has his postdoctoral fellowship in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His scientific achievement has been well recognized by several international/national awards, including most recently the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development from the Genetic Society of America. With several leading scientists from Johns Hopkins and Nanjing, he found the US-China (Nanjing) Institute for Synthetic Genomics, and serve as an co-director of the institute.